Saturday our neighbors Mike and Katie got married here in La Mesa. Frank and I loved that the wedding was less than 2 miles away. We were able to leave at the last minute. It was a small fun wedding, my favorite! We met quite a bit of nice people and couples, one of the girls was from Germany (and the only girl I know who can rock a sexy shaved head!) so we had a great time learning the German culture.
After the wedding Mikey joined us and we headed to Fashion Valley Mall so I could finally use my gift card to Mac for some eye shadow (Thanks Nicole!).
Once the jeep was gone we were down to one car for the first time ever. No motorcycle or crappy old truck. Just the SI. Oy! We hated putting the dogs "car cage" in the car all the time because, one it's a large pain and takes forever, two it was damaging the interior of the car. We had been looking around.. somewhat.. for an SUV for quite a while now but nothing seemed right. The day after Frank had his tooth pulled we were out and about running some errands and decided to stop by the bank to see what kind of used car loan we could get. We were surprised to be approved and given a check right on the spot. I know my credit is close to excellent but we weren't sure about Frank's, and being military we keep everything in his name. He found out his credit is just as good, or possibly better (I can't remember what mine was) than mine. It's nice to know that all our hard work to pay off debt has made a difference.
We knew we wanted to be smart about this purchase so we stuck with our limit of $13,000 rather than going higher with what the bank offered. A few days later we met this guy who was selling his 4runner on craigslist. We liked the car, it was what we wanted but he wanted WAY too much for it. We were offering more than Kelly Blue Book but he still wanted a few thousand more than what we were offering. Nor would he come down to our price. It just wasn't meant for us.
We went around to all the Toyota dealerships near us looking for used 4runners, but couldn't find anything as old as we wanted. Like older than 2006 ha! The last one we went to the salesman asked if we wanted to check out a 2004 Ford Explorer that was in great condition. We figured what the heck sure. It was in better condition than our 2007 car! And had lower miles. For being a 2004 it only had 53,000 miles. We fell in love. The dealership didn't want to come down to our price, but we worked them and in the end after it was all said and down we got the Explorer for $13,000 even : ] Meaning we got a pretty good deal. We were pretty proud of ourselves.
The dogs are LOVING having the cargo/trunk space all to them now. Know more having to cram into there little cage in the car. They can now share the back with there friends when we head to the beach. Which we have done twice now, once to Mission Trails and once to Cowles Mt. We're all loving it!
Something I almost forgot to mention.... WE FINALLY HAVE A KITCHEN TABLE! While walking through Target last week I saw this folding table (like a card table) that looked so nice. It doesn't even look like it folds up. They have matching chairs that fold up as well. We only have two chairs for now because I thought the prices of it all was $10 less than it was. Oh well we'll get the other two chairs later.
What a great site : ] Now to my FINAL update. I finally have an appointment with a physical therapist! I'm pretty sure it's just regular P.T. rather than the spinal physical therapist my doctor wanted me to see. However, Tricare won't cover that. Boo. Either way I'm super duper excited. My first appointment is next Tuesday!
Whew I'm glad all these updates are done with! Back to normal blogging tomorrow.