We still need to transfer everything from the laptop to the desktop.. not sure how to do that. I'm leaving it all up to Frank. Once all my pictures are on the desktop I'll start posting them.
Had our first video chat with my parents. It was entertaining to say the least! We joked that we should take our next Christmas picture that way. My parents and brother on the web cam in Washington, then me sitting next to the screen in California. Fun times were had, I'm actually looking forward to our next chat.
We've decided to pay off all our debt in less time than we first set. It was going to be 3 years, but we are determined to be debt free (credit cards and cars) in a year in a half. So around March/April 2012! Wish us luck! It's going to take a lot of hard work, but is completely do able. It also means that our trip home in November will most likely be our last till everything is paid off. (We will still be putting money aside in our "travel savings" since we have some family members who won't be around for much longer. So if anyone passes we will have the money to come home for a quick trip. Gotta think smart!)
Fall starts this week... I'm sad to see summer go, but am looking forward to everything we have going on in the coming months. And BAKING!
My mind is drawing a big ole blank right now...
We want to be debt free ASAP! good luck with that! Love your ramblings!
Were you guys using skype? I've finally talked my mom into getting a web cam to see the girls. That's a really funny idea for a family picture :-)
It's funny you talking about summer being over, that just means no more 90 degree days and more 75-80 degree days, it'll be a nice change. Except Justin's likely to deployed during x-mas, my 24th birthday and our big 5th wedding anniversary :-(
You make me sound so smart & full of wisdom... I love it. Just be glad it's not raining like it's January... I want to finish painting the deck before you get here for Thanksgiving.
Skype was fun. Dad enjoyed it a lot more than he'd ever say, because he's missed you more than he'd let on, and I think Jaime was in shock... :O) The most technological thing they have in their house is the tv remote.
If you really want to be debt free... stop saying debt... change that statement to "we are prosperous in all things, money comes to us freely. Remember, "you are what you think" and if you think debt, that's what you get.
Below are the words to 2 new tape I've downloaded to my ipod. by listening to tapes like this every night, I've changed the way I think about a lot of stuff. I still have more to work on, but things really are moving smoother.
Manifesting Prosperity:
My mind is open to the infinite supply of wealth; I allow prosperity to flow freely and generously in my life.
Money is a reflection of my inner wealth. Money is energy and energy moves
Money flows to me easily.
The Universe is my benefactor. I am fully supported making money doing what I love to do.
I deserve happiness, ease and abundance. I deserve prosperity.
The more I enjoy life and contribute to the lives of others, the more money I make.
I am richly rewarded for all that I give. I love my life.
New sources of prosperity flow into my life with grace and ease.
I attract ideal circumstances and opportunities to increase my net worth. I am a magnet for money.
Money comes to me easily through expected channels and unexpected channels.
Everything in my life flows perfectly. There is so much to be grateful for.
Prosperity is everywhere at all times.
I am building a strong financial foundation that supports all of my life.
I am sensible with money and manage it wisely.
Opportunities to succeed abound.
Everything I need to generate wealth is available to me right now.
I claim my right to a prosperous life.
I am aligned with love, truth and integrity. I am divinely guided in all my affairs.
Inside me is an endless fountain of abundance that I can access at anytime.
Create Success:
• I believe in myself
• My talents are in demand
• I am recognized, I am lucky
• I attract opportunities for abundance and success
• I get all the help I need
• I stay calm, centered and focused
• I trust my intuition to show me the way
• I take risks with confidence, I adjust easily
• I am resourceful, I use my time wisely
• I ground my visions in reality
• I am patient, deliberate, and sure of my worth
• All that I seek is seeking me
• I possess unlimited resources
• I choose prosperity, I am prosperous
• I feel great, I love my life
• I achieve with ease
• I let go and find solutions
• I’ve got what it takes to win
• My hopes and dreams come true
• I am a success, I share my wealth
Happy Manifesting..
You make me sound so smart & full of wisdom... I love it. Just be glad it's not raining like it's January... I want to finish painting the deck before you get here for Thanksgiving.
Skype was fun. Dad enjoyed it a lot more than he'd ever say, because he's missed you more than he'd let on, and I think Jaime was in shock... :O) The most technological thing they have in their house is the tv remote.
If you really want to be debt free... stop saying debt... change that statement to "we are prosperous in all things, money comes to us freely. Remember, "you are what you think" and if you think debt, that's what you get.
I got 2 new downloads for my ipod... I wanted to put the words on here, but it's too big... I'll send them in an e-mail
Good luck on the debt-free goal. It's such a great feeling to have it all paid-off! You can totally do it!
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