Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fruit Fly's

I can't get rid of these things!! We've had them for awhile now and I can't get them to go away. I make sure to throw fruit out as soon as possible as well as meats... anything they would be attracted to really. I found this do-it-yourself concoction to get rid of them and everyone that had tried it said it worked right away. So while I was making this.. thing... the fruit fly's started attracting to it immediatly. When I finished and set up the "trap" about 10 fruit fly's were swarming around it. Well apparently we have the smart fruit fly's because they wouldn't go into it!! I put it up last night and so far only 1 has gone in. If anyone knows of any other way's to get rid of these pesky things please let me know, I am taking an advice.


Carlee Ross said...

Yeah I was told to try honey in a bowl but all they did was fly around it, i'll have to do some more research on it and see if i can find something for you.

Carlee Ross said...
Found an e How link...I like a lot of stuff I find from this website.

Emily said...

Thank you Carlee!!! So far i've done two of those and they haven't worked, but i'm totally going to try the rest!... and i of course already do the first one ha

Ashley said...

This might sound/be so random...but when my mom would get fruit flys in her house, she would set a glass of wine out and they definitely seemed to go in it and die, because in the morning we'd find like 30 dead in it. haha

Christina said...

my supervisor said he uses vinegar and a little bit of dish soap. don't know what you've tried. but thats what he said

Emily said...

Thank you all!! i have a few new idea's to try =]

Unknown said...

I had a MAJOR fruit fly problem last week too! I put out a bowl of vinegar (don't use white vinegar. Red wine or cider works best) then mix in a little dish soap. They come to the vinegar and get stuck in the soap...ha ha ha!! If you put some banana in the vinegar too that will attact them even more. Smells nasty but it totally works. I am happy to all mine flies are gone now! It's really strange because I've never had a problem like this and I have heard from a few other people that they got them really bad too. Hope that helps!

Emily said...

danielle.. that's actually what i did, but only 1 or 2 of the fruit fly's went in. i think i'm going to try putting in some banana tomorrow. oddly enough some of the fruit fly's just kinda went out though ha.