Friday, January 15, 2010

Pioneer Women

I haven't updated the blog in a few days cause we YET AGAIN have a virus. BOO. I do jump on the computer a few times a day to check blogs and all the fun stuff. It's a pain to deal with everything so I don't stay on long. Today I was checking Pioneer Women and she has the best giveaway going on right now. If you don't know about it you NEED to go to her site to check it out. She is giving away (2) $500 donations to the charity of your choice (the winners duh! hehe) to help with the people of Haiti. And she is donating 10 cents for every comment left. So if you're low on money like many of us, this is a great way to give to those in serious need.
HERE is the direct link to the page. Hope to hear if many of you helped out!?


Unknown said...

I LOVE Pioneer Woman! She is so amazing! I bought her cookbook. Not sure how much I will actually cook from it since I would gain about 100lbs but I still love it :)
Sorry to hear you are sick again. I have had a rough year with getting sick too. I've been sick all weekend and it's a three day weekend :( Hope you are feeling better soon!

Emily said...

I need to get her cookbook, I don't want to print off recipes that are in the book if I ever do get it. Thank you for wishing me better, but I guess I should have been more specific. Our computer has a virus thankfully not me. Once I re read that I could see how it was confusing. I'm sorry! Hopefully you feel better soon though!!