Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well folks I have now completed two days of Yoga! I give myself a pat on the back for that. The DVD I got has two "work outs" the first being a 30 minutes quick start. I'm going to continue with the beginners short session for the rest of the week, then add in the second one next week. EEEKK! I was surprised at how easy it was and how fast it went by. I can hear my mom saying something about "You've always been so flexible, of course it's easy for you.." There is one pose that makes me sciatica hurt just a little bit, but it isn't held for long so it's not too much of a problem. I also realized my tailbone still hurts when I have to roll over it. I was a little disappointed about that, but I've able to work with it still which is a HUGE plus. Something yoga needs to teach me is to slow down. I personally am more of a cardio person. I want to go go go get that heart rate up sweat everything out. So who knows, maybe I'll center myself ; ) ha.

This morning I invited Mikey over to yoga it up with me before our walk. We both agreed it was a nice way change things up. And now that Frank is taking the bike to work every day, I am able to make it out to 32nd street to hit one of the gyms a few days a week. YAY! I don't think I'll do that till next week since I'm trying to save as much money as possible for Vegas.

It's just amazing to me think I am FINALLY able to get back into working out, it has been long awaited. Many days laying in bed or the couch in endless amounts of pain just wishing I could go for a jog or lift a few weights. It seems unreal that it's finally happening again.. and not just a few times a month, but every day.

Now my next task is to get Frank to do some yoga with me... he could use it!


La Familia Workman said...

That's great! I'm sure you're happy to get a bit more of a work-out happening for you. Reading this reminded me that I need to start working out as I'm starting to eat right. I'm doing the low-carb thing. It's always been my favorite. Anyhow, I have a pilates DVD I bought while Troy was gone last year so I'll have to bring that out again and do it every morning.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Emily! I smiled the whole time reading this post. :) I'm glad that Yoga is working for you and helping you slow down. I've been adding in a few new things at the gym to spice things up, so I definitely know where you are there, but you're just getting back into it, so it'll all seem so new fresh and exciting to you! Congrats again!