Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Bring My Soldier Home

What would I do without the Today Show? This morning a girl group whom i've never heard of was on with there song "Santa Bring My Soldier Home". I've heard many song's about the military and they've put video and pictures along with traditional holiday songs like "I'll Be Home For Christmas", but this one stood out for me.

I went searching for this group.. which I didn't even have there name right so it took a little while ha. Anyways you can download this song for free at SANTA BRING MY SOLDIER HOME, and if you have some free time?? You can take the song with your pictures and thoughts and make a video with it, then post it to there youtube account for all of us to cry over. The winning video will have there's shown on EXTRA TV!

You can also text a donation to the USO if desired.

I have two of the entries below because I couldn't decide which one I liked best... they all are amazing! Make sure to pass this link along, if you are affilated with the Military in anyway this song and the pictures really do hit home {and you may or may not cry watching all the videos submitted :]}.

What I love about this second video {and why I chose to put two up} is that they make sure to show the fine women of our country who stand along with the men serving for us. We can't forget about you ladies!!

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