Thursday, February 17, 2011

IA Challenge

So far this is what I have, I'll probably be adding to it here and there...
I know I got a job RIGHT before Frank left, but I'm keeping it on the list and marking it as completed :)

IA Challenge

Start: February 13, 2011
End: March 2012

1.Read all of Nicolas Sparks books (2/13)

2. Eat at 13 new restaurants

3. Go on a Hollywood tour

4. Pay off all debt

5. Visit Catalina Island

6. Buy a strangers drink at Starbucks

7. Run (or jog in my case) a 5K

8. Put $X into savings Haven't decided on the amount yet

9. Go to a movie by myself

10. Take A.R.M.Y classes at church

11. Hang up family pictures

12. Do the 21 day vegan kick start

13. Get a passport

14. Buy new glasses

15. Get a job [COMPLETED]

16. Read the Bible cover to cover

17. Organize pictures/cards

18. Make advisor with Advocare


Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Ya! This is such a great list. Totally doable, too. Have you ever got books on tape from the library? I love them to listen to while doing other projects. Two birds with one stone.

d.a.r. said...

This sounds like a great list!!